Heated Hoses

Made to order heated hoses for temperatures up to 200°C for ordinary and hazardous areas

Heated Hoses

Many products are heated in containers or processes to improve their flow characteristics or homogeneity. Moving these materials between processes or from storage vessels can be problematic as rigid pipe work combined with cumbersome heating methods, can be undesirable at best and is often impossible. Isopad heated hoses solve these issues by seamlessly blending industry standard hoses and fittings with world leading heating technology, into a flexible hose with integral heater and sensor.

Isopad hoses are designed and manufactured to optimise heat uniformity and control characteristics using an integrated temperature sensor and an evenly distributed resistive heating element. Decades of engineering experience ensure the hose will maintain the medium being transferred at an even, pre-set temperature, avoiding hot spots or changes in viscosity, eliminating condensation, degradation and crystallisation. The flexible properties of the heated hose eliminate many problems with alignment and machine vibration.