Isopad Heating Solutions for Hazardous Areas
Isopad designs and manufactures state of the art customized solutions following latest ATEX and IECEx norms and requirements. The design capabilities range from heating cables and temperature sensors to complete heating systems with factory assembled electrical wiring, junction boxes and thermostats for control and monitoring.

Drum and base drum heaters
Isopad has been manufacturing drum heating systems for decades using robust metal housings as the perfect shell to incorporate heating elements, insulation, sensors and controls.

With in-house design expertise we create, adapt and engineer customized solutions for the global industry. Following increasing demands for hazardous area application solutions Isopad has taken the challenge to build a heating system suiting international standards. The drum heating systems provided by Isopad are fully system approved for use in hazardous areas by Baseefa.
The approval covers latest ATEX and IECEx requirements. The system is intended for use in Gas as well as Dust Zones and ranges throughout all defined temperature classes. The definition of the system approval allows Isopad not only to manufacture finite designed standards but to adapt end extend design parameters to customer dimensions.

If system design limitations are exceeded Isopad is still capable to offer drum heating systems using alternative components to fulfill customer requirements. By providing full detailed product documentation for each component used, Isopad ensures that the design matches the customer application parameters.
Gas bottle heaters

In addition to the drum heating systems, Isopad has designed Gas-bottle heaters under the same premise. The ATEX and IECEx approval is based on the same design standards as the drum heating systems. Due to the large variety of gas-bottle sizes and forms on the global markets it was our intention from the start to be able to offer customized solutions using adapted design standards within our system approval. For many reasons customers cannot always use available market standards and products within their application. To fulfill all requirements and application details it is sometimes necessary to find other ways to design and build heating systems and
products for use in hazardous areas.

Isopad is using ATEX and IECEx approved components following respective norms, regulations and technical guidelines, combined with engineering expertise to design customized solutions for use in hazardous areas.
Heated jackets
Many industrial processes as well as other emerging markets require heating systems within hazardous areas. Isopad can offer heating jackets in different designs to fit devices, machinery parts, vessels, housing and many other customer applications. The heating jackets are designed with ATEX and IECEx approved components always using a heating cable that is fully certified for use in the designated hazardous area environment.
Following customers area classifications we use the most reliable components incorporated in the best possible design method. In addition we are able to fall back to sub-suppliers that provide us with metal-work in any material grade and finishing applying to customer demands.
If your application requires a more flexible solution in terms of handling we can provide heating jackets designed in soft shell construction. All the benefits of a heating system for use in hazardous areas remain the same. Providing complete product documentation and installation guidelines for any specially designed heating system, is part of our commitment.
Heated hoses
When conveying gases and liquids it is necessary to maintain certain vital temperatures from one point of interest to another. This may apply for in line processes as well as beginning and end of the line loading and unloading of media. In most cases a certain mobility and flexibility is required to perform these tasks. Flexible heated transfer lines are one good solution to maintain these processes.
Isopad can offer flexible transfer lines with approved trace heating systems for use in hazardous areas along with integrated sensor technology for intrinsic safe circuits. Following technical design guidelines the transfer lines as well as all exposed parts to the explosive media or ambient conditions are being conductive to reach a maximum on personal and product safety.
Every designed product is going through a defined engineering process prior to manufacturing to ensure to meet customers specifications and requirements.
Miscellaneous heating solutions
Specialized processes require specialized solutions. Isopad uses its engineering capabilities to establish possible customized designs within the relevant norms, regulations and technical guidelines. Throughout the years Isopad has proven its competence for arising customer demands on hazardous area heating systems.
From heated housings for pharmaceutical filtration systems to heating plates providing personal safety in off-shore environments Isopad has engineered and designed products for customer applications.
Mineral insulated heating solutions
Thermocoax, Isopads' parent company, offers heating solutions based on mineral insulated heating cable technology to fit highly reliable applications. The continuous metallic sheet ensures the best mechanical and chemical protection. Thermocoax uses high grade alloys for the production of the heating cables.
Special design methods and manufacturing processes enable heating solutions with excellent dissipation in direct contact with the objects to be heated. The heating elements are developed to work in hazardous environments following ATEX and IECEx quality plans, norms and regulations.
Mineral insulated sensor technology
Process temperatures are vital for many industrial applications. As a leading expert in sensor technology Thermocoax designs and manufactures thermocouples and thermometers to the highest standards. Many sensors are available as off-the-shelf designs and follow common market standards. Industrial processes are more and more relying on customized solutions to follow up on growing technical challenges and application parameters that cannot be monitored using standard technologies. Thermocoax can be your leading expert to help you design, develop and manufacture sensors and sensor technologies to your own requirements.

More information
Contact us for your individual design requirements to find your best possible application solution!
As an authorized distributor for Isopad and Thermocoax we can offer standard heating solutions and customized heating solutions.
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